- Nick Crow -
- Nick Crow -
Author & Scientist


Nick Crow

B&W temporary cover of the Cambrian Phenomenon

Updated - 10.o2.23

I’m busy working on a sequel to the Lazarus Factor, which I’m calling The Cambrian Phenomenon. Expect fossils, secret codes, complex genomic analyses, and a terrifying new adversary. If that sounds vague, it’s only because I don’t want to spoil anything.

In the meantime, I’ve posted a short quote from the first chapter below.

Chapter 1 -

Four G’s…

He kept the pressure on the stick even, holding the jet centered in the HMD.

Five, Five point five…

He couldn’t move. Effectively, he weighed nearly a thousand pounds. Pinned against the jet’s seat, every muscle in his body strained, even his eyelids.

Six G’s…

The flexing, the breathing exercises, and the G-suit were critical to his survival. By the time he noticed the signs of oxygen deprivation, the loss of color perception, and the tunneling of his vision, he’d be on the verge of G-LOCing. The F-35 had only a single seat. There was no co-pilot to take over if he passed out.”

If you’d like to read the whole chapter, you can get it for free by signing up for my newsletter.


A techno-thriller


A secret hidden in our genetic code will rewrite history as we know it…

Sara Morin, a brilliant computational biologist, makes a discovery that will fundamentally change our understanding of human evolution. But when she publishes her results, she ignites a firestorm she never expected.

Hunted by a ruthless assassin, Sara finds herself partnered with New York Times reporter Marcus Byron. Together they race across Europe, through Cathar castles, Aegean islands, and beyond. On the run, Sara must decipher a mysterious set of genome sequences.

As they begin to uncover answers, powerful forces turn their sights on Sara. If she can’t decode the sequences in time, she’ll end up dead—and the world will never know the shocking truth about the people who rule it.



How it all started


It started with books about magic—my wife and I have been writing urban fantasy for years—but as an evolutionary biologist, I’d always wanted to pen a genetic thriller.

Clancy, Brown, Preston, Stephenson, Appleton, and Crichton were integral parts of my childhood. I can attribute some of my passion for science to books like The Hot Zone and Jurassic Park

My debut novel, The Lazarus Factor, combines my experience as a scientist with my passion for thrillers. It introduces computational biologist Sara Morin whose discovery of a novel approach to investigating human origins has just been stolen by her Ph.D. advisor. When her attempt to exact revenge horribly backfires, she must team up with reporter Marcus Byron to outwit a ruthless enemy. 

If you like fast-paced adventure with a solid grounding in hard science, you should sign up to my newsletter and I’ll let you know when it releases.

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